- Composite Materials
- 15 Years
- Mechanics of solids
- Finite Element methods
- Dynamics of Machinery
- Product design and Development
- Mechanics of Composites
- Materials Science
- Control systems and Instrumentation
- Mechanical Vibrations
- Work shop on Advances in "Finite element engineering" held at Andhra University, 2005
- Work shop on "Condition monitoring of mechanical systems" held at GITAM University, 2005.
- Course on "Computer applications in solids, fluids and thermal sciences" held at MVGR, 2006
- Course on Computational methods in fluids, acoustics, and electro magnetics held at Andhra University, 2006.
- Training on Testing and Characterization of Materials held at IIT Madras, 2009. 6) QIP on Carbon nano tubes and applications held at IIT Kanpur, 2010.
- QIP on Carbon nano tubes and applications held at IIT Kanpur, 2010.
- Orientation program held at UGC HRDC, SV University during 04-12-2017 to 30-12-2017 8
- Refresher course on Information and communication technology, held at UGC HRDC, SV University during 18-06-2018 to 07-07-2018
- On line Continuing Education program on "Opportunities and challenges in Artificial Engineering and Machine Learning for Mechanical Engineers" conducted by NIT Warangal from 24-04-2023 to 28-04-2023.
- Two week online faculty development programme on "Recent Advances in Materials and Challenges in Manufacturing Techniques" Conducted by JNTU K during 7-02-2022 to 19-02-2022
- Industrial training in "Artificial Intellligence and Machine Learning using Python" held from 24/06/2021 to 08/07/2021.
- Industrial training in "Additive Manufacturing and its Applications" held from 16-11-2022 to 25-11-2022.
- Polymer Nano composites
- Green Composite materials
- Co- Principal Investigator for Major Research Project entitled Development of high strength bio composite from natural fibers and biopolymer blends sanctioned by UGC of worth Rs.9, 65,300/ (2009-2012).
- Principal Investigator for Minor Research Project entitled Effect of process parameters and surface treatments on mechanical and abrasive wear performance of biocomposites sanctioned by GITAM university of worth Rs. 1,00,000/- (2009-2010).
- Principal Investigator for a project entitled Development of high performance plastic gears using carbon nanotubes reinforced Acetal/PTFE blend sanctioned by Department of Science and Technology (DST) under fast track scheme for young scientists of worth 25.31 Lakhs.
- Co- Principal Investigator for Major Research Project entitled Design and development of high thermal conductivity and wear resistant gears using graphene-based polyamide66 nanocomposites sanctioned by UGC of worth Rs.9, 10,000/- (20013-2016).
- T.Venkateswara Rao, K.N.S.Suman, G.Bhanu Kiran Effect of cooling rate on degree of crystallinity and mechanical properties of sisal fiber reinforced green composites; International Journal of Advanced Materials Science; 4(4), 2013; 283-292.
- R.Uma Maheswara Rao, K.N.S. Suman, V.V.S. Kesava Rao, , G.Bhanu Kiran, Toughening of polylactide by melt blending with a biodegradable polycaprolactone International Journal of Advanced materials science; 2(2), 2011;241-248.
- R.Uma Maheswara Rao, S. Krishna Madhavi, K.N.S. Suman, G.Bhanu Kiran, Elimination of Multi-Response correlation while applying taguchi philosophy in optimization of process parameters for preparation of PLA and PCL bio polymer blends through compression molding; International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Technology; 3(4),2011, 351-368.
- R.Uma Maheswara Rao, V.Kesava Rao, K.N.S. Suman, G.Bhanu Kiran, Selection of optimum process parameters for preparation of PLA/PCL biopolymer blends through compression molding; Malaysian Journal of automotive mechanical & aerospace engineering research; 2(3); 2011; 45-54.
- G.Bhanu Kiran, K.N.S. Suman, N.Mohan Rao Effect of ultrasonication of jute fibers on mechanical properties of natural fiber composites, in International journal on Mechanical & Automobile Engineering (IJMAE), 07(01); 2010;01-08.
- S.Ramesh, G.Nagarjuna, B.Chandra Shekar, D.Rajeswra Rao, G.BHanu Kiran, BV Raghavaiah, Synthesis and Dielectric Charecterization of MnO added ZnO TeO2-B2O3 Glasses RASAYAN Journal of Chmistry, 2024; 16(1); Scopus Journal
- PNE Naveen, Rama Santosh Kumar Annapu, Ravi Sankar Hota, G Bhanu Kiran, K Raghu Ram Mohan Reddy, V Satyanarayana, Fatigue behaviour of gears with different loading conditions, 2021; 46; 484-491; Scopus Indexed.
- PNE Naveen, M Chaitanya Mayee, Pothala Gayathri, G Bhanu Kiran, K Raghu Ram Mohan Reddy, Design and optimization of nylon 66 reinforced composite gears using genetic algorithm, 2021, 46; 514-519; Scopus Indexed, Citations: 3.
- PNE Naveen, G Bhanu Kiran, M Chaitanya Mayee. Evaluation of mechanical properties on Tio2/GF reinforced nylon66 composites, 2019; 19; 240-245; Scopus Indexed, Citations: 4.
- PNE Naveen, Batha Sujith Kumar, G Bhanu Kiran, Ravi Sankar Hota, M Chaitanya Mayee, SSSV Gopala Raju, Design and analysis of thin wall gear structure with Tio2/GF reinforced Nylon66 composites, 2021, 46, 382-389; Scopus Indexed, Citations: 4.
- H Ravisankar, Pydi Hariprasadarao, V Chittaranjan Das, G Bhanu kiran, Effect of nanoclay inclusion on mechanical and fatigue behavior of ABS/PP/HDPE thermoplastics, 2020, 24; 209-217; Scopus Indexed, Citations: 5.
- R.Uma Maheswara Rao, , K.N.S. Suman, V.V.S Kesava Rao, G.Bhanu Kiran, Study of rheological and mechanical properties of biodegradable polylactide and polycaprolactone blends; International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology; 3(5); 2011, Citations: 31.
- T.Venkateswara Rao, K.N.S.Suman, G.Bhanu Kiran Effect of Processing Methods and Fiber content on Mechanical and Abrasive Wear performance of Sisal/PLA Biocomposites Journal of polymer and Composites. 2103; 1(3), 1-10; Web of Science.
- G.Bhanu Kiran, K.N.S. Suman, N.Mohan Rao, R.Uma Maheswara Rao A study on the influence of hot press forming process parameters on mechanical properties of green composites using Taguchi experimental design International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology-Nigeria; 3(4); 2011; 253-263. Citations: 36.
- H.Ravi Shankar, R.R. Srikant, P.Vamsi Krishna, V.Bhujanga Rao P.Bangaru babu, G.Bhanu Kiran. Experimental evaluation and ANN based prediction model for dynamic properties of epoxy glass fiber composites with natural rubber particle inclusions; International Journal of COMADEM; 16(3), 2013, 41-46. Scopus Journal, Impact Factor: 0.212.
- K.N.S. Suman, D.Nageswara Rao, H.N. Das, G.Bhanu Kiran, Hydrodynamic Performance Evaluation of an Ellipsoidal Nose for a High Speed under Water Vehicle, Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering; 4(5); 2010; 641 652. Scopus Journal, Impact Factor: 0.82. Citations: 24.
- G.Bhanu Kiran, H Ravi Sankar, Nitinol Reinforced Epoxy Smart Composites with Enhanced Stiffness and Damping International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering, 2019; 16(3); 7144-7153 ESCI Journal, Impact Factor:1.19, Citations: 5
- G.Bhanu Kiran, PNE Naveen, H Ravi Sankar, Performance evaluation of composite gears composed of POM, CNTs, and PTFE, Polymer composites, 2021; 42(3); 1123-34; SCI Journal, Impact Factor:5.2, Citations: 9
- G.Bhanu Kiran, PNE Naveen, H Ravi Sankar, Somnath Ghosh Mechanical, wear and fatigue behavior of functionalized CNTs reinforced POM/PTFE composites, Materials Research Express, 2019; 6(6); 65051; SCI Journal, Impact Factor:2.3, Citations: 10
- G.Bhanu Kiran, PNE Naveen, H Ravi Sankar, Somnath Ghosh Effect of functionalization and concentration of carbon nanotubes on mechanical, wear and fatigue behaviours of polyoxymethylene/carbon nanotube nanocomposites, Bulletin of Materials Science, 2019; 42(6); 98, SCI Journal, Impact Factor:1.8, Citations: 13
- R.Bhanu Pavan, M.Amrita, A.Venu Gopal, G.Bhanu Kiran Experimental investigation of graphene nanoplateletsbased minimum quantity lubrication in grinding Inconel 718; Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture. 2019; 233(1); 400-410, SCI Journal, Impact Factor:2.6, Citations: 51.
- R.Bhanu Pavan, R.R.Srikanth, A.Venu Gopal, G.Bhanu Kiran Performance evaluation of graphene impregnated grinding wheels; International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2016; 85(8); 2235-2245, SCI Journal, Impact Factor:3.4, Citations: 26.
- G.Bhanu Kiran, K.N.S. Suman, N.Mohan Rao Processing and characterization of jute fiber reinforced hybrid biocomposites based on polylactide/polycaprolactone blends; John Wiley Publications; Polymer Composites; 2012; 33(2); 237-244. SCI Journal, Impact Factor: 5.2, Citations: 61.
- G.Bhanu Kiran, K.N.S. Suman, N.Mohan Rao, Effect of fiber surface treatments on mechanical and abrasive wear performance of polylactide/jute composites, Composites Part A: Applied science and Manufacturing; 43(10); 2012; 1800-1808. SCI Journal, Impact Factor: 8.5, Citations: 392.
- Presented paper on "Wear behavior of POM/PTFE blends" in Notional conference on Materials and Manufacturing, NCMM-2017
- Presented paper on "Reinforcing Agarose Poly saccharide- by cellulose nano crystals isolated from mango seeds" in Notional conference on Materials and Manufacturing, NCMM-2017
- Presented paper on "Effort towards minimization of delamination's in Abrasive water jet drilling of MMT reinforced Glass fiber Epoxy composites" in 6th international & 27th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design, and Research Conference, Collge of Engineering Pune, December 16-18, 2016
- Presented Paper on Investigations on Grinding of Inconel 718 using newly developed Graphene Nano Platelets Impregnated Grinding Wheels in 5th International & 26th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR 2014) December 12th14th, 2014, IIT Guwahati, Assam, India
- Presented paper on Optimum design of an Armature structure for Electrodynamic shaker, in National Conference on Advances in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, 2nd & 3rd July 2010, Pune.
- Presented paper on Effect of static and dynamic alkali treatment on jute fiber reinforced polyester composite in National conference on advanced Manufacturing Techniques, SMVDU, 5th & 6th , Nov 2009, Katra,
- Presented paper on Design and Analysis of Composite Shells Subjected to Shock Load in National conference on Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies, JNTU Hyderabad, 2005.
- Presented paper on Free Vibrations and Buckling of Isotropic and Composite Shells in 51st congress of Indian society of theoretical and applied mechanics (an International Meet) held at Andhra University, 18th 21st Dec, 2006.
- Presented paper on Design and Analysis of Composite Shell Structure for Under Water Applications in International Conference on Advances in structural dynamics and its Applications held in GITAM University, 7th -9th Dec 2005.
- A book published on "Biocomposites: Challenges and Opportunities" Infinite Research Publishers, ISBN -978-81-967305-4-3
- A book published on 'Strength of materials', Infinite Research Publishers, ISBN-978-81-965812-4-4.
- A book published on Mathematical modeling for damping prediction in woven composites - Using strain energy approach, Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN no.978-3-659-56096-5.
- Administrative Officer, RGUKT Nuzvid Campus
- Chief Administrative Officer, RGUKT Head Office
- Assistant Principal, GITAM Institute of technology
- Coordinator, R&D, RGUKT RK VAlley campus
- Finance officer, RGUKT RK VAlley campus
- Dean Academics, RGUKT Srikakulam campus
- In-charge- Director, RGUKT Srikakulam Campus